the matthew show's
War Page
(the matthew show offers these words without implicit endorsement, but in the interest of provoking thought and discussion. The most recently added are listed first...)
One Gulp And Bush Was Gone by Sidney Blumenthal, published in the Guardian
Cold Turkey by Kurt Vonnegut, published in In These Times
Without A Doubt by Ron Suskind, published in the New York Times
Lie Down for America by Thomas Frank, published in Harper's Magazine
Will We Need A New "All the President's Men"? by Frank Rich, published in the New York Times
Pat Robertson on George W. Bush's pre-war expectation of no casualties, reported on CNN
Kerry's Undeclared War by Matt Bai, published in the New York Times
James Baker's Double Life by Naomi Klein, published in the Nation
Daddy Darkest by Charles P. Pierce, published in the American Prospect
Excerpt from speech to Gulf War veterans by former President George H.W. Bush at Fort Myer, VA, February 28, 1999 (full speech here)
The Big One by Adam Gopnik, published in the New Yorker
George W. Bush's Missing Year by Mary Jacoby, published in Salon
The Democratic Party Is Toast by Bush advisor Grover Norquist, published in the Washington Monthly
We're Not In Lake Wobegon Anymore by Garrison Keillor, published in In These Times
Jokesters Now the Go-to Guys For U.S. Candidates by John Doyle, published in the Globe and Mail
The Church of Bush by Rick Perlstein, published in the Village Voice
The Price of Valor by Dan Baum, published in the New Yorker
Democracy In The Balance by Bill Moyers, published in Sojourners magazine
Welcome To America by Elena Lappin, published in the Guardian
Address on Iraq Policy by Al Gore on May 26, 2004 at New York University
Retired General Anthony Zinni on CBS' 60 Minutes, May 21, 2004
Text of the 2004 College of William & Mary Commencement speech by Jon Stewart
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address, 1961, transcript from US News and World Report
Apocalypse Please by George Monbiot, published in The Guardian
The 9/11 Timeline by Paul Thompson, presented on Air America's Randi Rhodes Show
Donald Rumsfeld caught live on NBC, presented by
Fish. Barrel. Boom. by William Rivers Pitt, published in
The Great Escape by Craig Unger, published in
9/11 Nonsense by William Rivers Pitt, published in
The New Pentagon Papers by Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski, published in
Power Rangers by Joshua Micah Marshall, published in The New Yorker
Twilight of the Neocons? by Billmon
Call Me A Bush-Hater by Molly Ivins, published in The Progressive
Freedom and Security by former Vice President Al Gore, presented at Constitution Hall in Washington
Statement to the media by Maher Arar, reported on
The Widening Crusade by Sydney H. Schanberg, published in the Village Voice
Neo-Conned, by Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul, presented on the floor of the House of Representatives
Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy (Buy One, Get One Free) by Arundhati Roy
Text of the 2003 Rockford College Commencement speech by Chris Hedges
Paul Berman, political and cultural critic (interviewed by
Major General Smedley Butler, 1930s-era peace activist and former Marine
George Galloway, British Member of Parliament
(For most of these, I've decided to provide links instead of printing the entire text of these pieces, since I care not for theft. But please visit these sites on my recommendation, whatever that's worth to you.)